420 - The Puff Puff Pass Collection by " So High Fashion "

 420 - The Puff Puff Pass Collection  - Created By Veterans & Seniors Cannabis Patients 

So High Cannabis Fashions Were Designed By Las Vegas Veterans & Disabled Seniors in an Effort to gain funding to help them build a private social club. 

These are a group of forgotten elders trying to stay off of opioids, they have become cannabis patients. Only to find out that the system is in fact working against them. 

" They Are Being Denied Their Medications  "
Evicted From Their Gov Subsidized Senior Apartment Complex,
or Threaten to Be Evicted After Becoming A Medical Marijuana Patient or Cannabis Card Holder. 

Get SO HIGH in Las Vegas or Go To puffpuffpasscollection.kincustom.com 

 Wear 420 Streetwear  and help support the Veterans and Seniors Entrepreneurial Cause. The New Cannabis Line of Apparel & Shoes, So High Cannabis Fashions, The cannabis wearable cannabis strains design. We're So High Cannabis Fashions - Apparel® is a cannabis strains design premium brand that redefines fashion basics with a portfolio of cannabis strains and unique styles and top-quality essentials. Our products are produced with high-quality cotton, We take photos of beautiful cannabis strains and bring them to life, we make them sustainable, we make them printable, we make them wearable. We make them pop so you can make them dope. Our basics are broken down into a few iconic collections to make sure you can always find exactly what you’re looking for. We make So High Fashions for every day casual wear, For every day and every occasion. We make So High Fashions basics for your cannabis lifestyle. puffpuffpasscollection.kincustom.com 



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