Supporting Medical Cannabis For Veterans - Social Clubs Need To Be Built Our S.M.I.L.E Organization

 In this Special Edition episode of Let's Be Blunt, Montel Williams and fellow veterans speak out in support of medical cannabis in a virtual press conference organized by MPP in hopes of furthering the Compassionate Cares Act introduced by lawmakers earlier this year in South Carolina. According to the Veterans Affairs National website, veterans will not lose access to benefits if they use medical cannabis through a state sanctioned program, but they cannot allow use or possession at any VA facility due to federal laws, “Veteran participation in state marijuana programs does not affect eligibility for VA care and services. VA providers can and do discuss marijuana use with Veterans as part of comprehensive care planning, and adjust treatment plans as necessary.”

#cannabis #medicalmarijuana #veterans To learn more about the SC Compassionate Cares Act visit: Disabled Veterans of America: Military Benefits Info:


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