Help Las Vegas Veterans - Seniors Medical Marijuana Patients 60 Plus Demographic Group

Help Las Vegas Veterans Seniors & Baby Boomers Get Their SMILE Back! Las Vegas SMILE - Seniors MMJ Patients Social Enterprise·Wednesday, August 22, 2018 1 Read Helping Seniors S.M.I.L.E - The Social Enterprise Organization As the U.S. evolves into a nation with an older population Senior medical marijuana patients are seniors that would rather not, Live Out Their Lives On Pain Pills. Their Choice of Becoming an MMJ Patient, Let's them live a more quality social lifestyle. These are Senior, not ready to just roll over and die. These Seniors, are former military, were once in the wars, that fought, for this country, baby boomer's that have had a major impact, on the economy. Now living with pain and other health issues, their needs qualify them to receive the medical marijuana card, But most of them, are finding that getting the card, is where the problems start. Senior Medical Marijuana Patients, are having problems, issues concerning becoming a cardholder, Living in Senior Citizen Housing, which is basically being denied their right's as far as the Equality Act - Human Rights 2015 “ We’re creating our own quality-of-life team " that’s how I introduce ourselves to our patients,” says Vanessa “ Founder of S.M.I.L.E. This is the first truly integrative approach to pain management.” Understanding, the causes of this pain, the special medical needs of the elderly, and the role of pain self-management can help seniors reduce or eliminate this condition. Medical Marijuana and Having the Research at hand, that has shown that 50 percent of older adults who live on their own and 75-85 percent of the elderly in care facilities suffer from chronic pain. Yet, pain among older adults is largely undertreated, with serious health consequences, such as depression, anxiety, decreased mobility, social isolation, poor sleep, and related health risks. There are natural changes that occur with aging that affect pain—sleep patterns change, muscles and joints gradually become more rigid, and energy decreases. Frequently, older people don’t report their pain, because they don’t know that it can be treated or they believe it will lead to expensive tests or more medications. And there can be conditions, such as vision or hearing loss or dementia that can limit communication about pain. In comes the pill pusher's To help overcome these barriers, treatment of chronic pain may involve a team of different pain management specialists—including a physician, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, pharmacist, and others who specialize in pain management. S.M.I.L.E We’re creating our own quality-of-life team Our Organization was created to Protect The Rights of Individuals and Advance Equality of Opportunity For All. Seniors that granted this card should have, the right to have medical marijuana, grow their medication on their own at their home, up to 4 - 8 plants this varies by each Legalized State, Smoke it to ease their pain when needed, and not have to worry about, eviction because of it. Their Rights are being Violated. Our Organization S.M.I.L.E will provide an alternative for those seniors, by giving them a community-based outlet, a place to come to, learn more about medical marijuana, and the different ways to medicate themselves, a place to come gather, group setting, to grow, their own plants and tend to them, smoke there, when needed, bake edibles, and help other patients and seniors, get their MMJ cards. S.M.I.L.E Will Help Seniors Get Their Smile Back! Our Organization Needs Your Help! Contact: Doing it in Vegas LLC. email:


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